Training and Classrooms

Training and Classrooms

As technology has improved, video conferencing is now a necessity to make hybrid and flexible work environments effective. With this new normal, every conferencing space is now expected to utilize video conferencing equipment. Designing conference rooms with these new developments in mind can be tough, especially when you also need to factor in the aesthetic presentation of the room and the audio equipment needed to effectively cover the room.

Training and Classrooms

Training and Classrooms

With the flexibility video conferencing gives teachers and instructors, it’s looking more and more like hybrid classrooms are the way of the future. This presents a unique challenge for the IT professionals that need to turn a ton of rooms designed for in-person learning into the perfect hyflex classrooms with video conferencing capabilities.

Video solutions are highly dependent on the size of the classroom. For small- to medium-sized classrooms, cameras and displays can be placed at the back of the class, so remote participants can observe the teacher and be observed. For larger spaces like lecture halls, the camera may need to be close to the presentation space and you can pretty much do away with the displays.

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