Large Conference Room

Large Conference Room

As technology has improved, video conferencing is now a necessity to make hybrid and flexible work environments effective. With this new normal, every conferencing space is now expected to utilize video conferencing equipment. Designing conference rooms with these new developments in mind can be tough, especially when you also need to factor in the aesthetic presentation of the room and the audio equipment needed to effectively cover the room.

Large Conference Room

Big Data Centre Conference Room

Large conference rooms can seat over 16+ people comfortably and typically have a large amount of open space. This empty space can cause issues for both audio and visual setups.

On the visual side, empty space means a lot of room for the camera to cover for remote viewers and a greater distance between on-site participants and displays. This can be solved with multiple or larger displays and more advanced cameras that can swivel and zoom on speakers.

For audio solutions, empty space means reduced audio quality due to reverberation and echo. Typical DIY solutions don’t allow for fine-tuning their devices for the acoustic properties of a space, which severely limits the options available when designing your room. 

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